Dear friends,
After a memorable and attendance-record-breaking conference in Varese, we head further south for 2025; Aθens here we come! ☀️
We have put together a diverse and engaging programme with invited speakers from 10 different countries, spanning 3 continents!
The "E" for..."EVERYONE is invited" replacing the "E" for European in our initials, is becoming every year more and more fitting. 🙏
- The main conference will take place on Wednesday 21-Friday 23 May 2025, at the Eugenides Foundation.
- 2 Behavioural therapy workshops (for participants with basic and advanced training) will be held on the 1st day of the programme. These workshops are also available as independent events for non-conference attendees.
- Tics and Tourette Around the Globe (TTAG), the umbrella organisation for patient associations & advocacy groups, are also holding their meeting on Wednesday 21 May.
- The 5th edition of the TS-school (separate event) is scheduled for Tuesday 20 May at 13:00-18:00 EEST.
- In the footsteps of our Varese host, Cristiano Termine, and in an effort to contribute to changing the current TS-landscape in Greece, we are organising an open event dedicated to teachers and educators. This event will take place on Monday 19 May at 16:00-19:00 and the talks will be held in Greek by our colleagues at Sismanoglio GHA. (More details will follow.)
Going hybrid!
We are thrilled to announce that for the first time in the history of the Society, the upcoming conference will be held as a hybrid event, and the majority of the sessions will be streamed live for virtual attendees.

Important deadlines:
- Submissions: Sunday, 2 March 2025 (🦉 midnight PDT)
(Applies to abstracts, clinical cases, Mary Robertson Award entries and Mary Robertson travel grant applications.)
- Early bird registration: Sunday, 9 March 2025 (🦉 midnight PDT)
(Applies to in-person and virtual registration.)
You will find all conference-related information on our Registration page.
The Frontiers editorial office will be able to provide more information/answer any questions.
Discover the spectacular destination where we shall meet again next summer!

Invited speakers
- Le relazioni si terranno in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano
- Accreditamento ECM per medici, psicologi, infermieri
"A brilliant and empathetic comedy narrating the daily life of a boy with Tourette."
(See detailed programme below)
- Prof Andreas Hartmann, France
Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, FR - Dr Christelle Nilles, France
Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Rothschild Foundation Hospital, Paris, FR
- Michele Dunlap, Germany
President & Acting Treasurer - Marla Shea, UK/USA
- Christina Papakaliatis, Founder
-Healthcare professionals: a round table for discussion with the speakers will be held in the afternoon.
Online registration is mandatory to secure your participation.
- This event is strictly available to adults and minors aged 16-17 years old. Underaged attendees will not be permitted access.
- The seminar is offered for educational purposes; clinical consultations with any of the invited healthcare professionals will not be provided onsite.
- Only registered participants may attend the event. We will regrettably not be able to admit other non-registered visitors accompanying you.
- Tourette Greece
- Assessment (including differential diagnosis)
- Natural course and prognosis
- Epidemiology
- Causes & mechanisms
- Q&A
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Mood (anxiety & depression)
- Sleep
- Q&A
- Available treatments
- Clinical cases
- Comprehensive Q&A with the audience
- Tuesday, 25 March 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Jolande van de Griendt & Cara Verdellen
- Tuesday, 27 May 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Virginie Czernecki & Katrin Woitecki
- Tuesday, 30 September 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by Tara Murphy & Jolande van de Griendt
- Tuesday, 25 November 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Cara Verdellen & Katrin Woitecki
Registration rate per online consultation (2 hours): €35.
(See detailed programme below)
- Dr Christos Androutsos
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Head Consultant at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, SGHA - Dr Anastasia Dougali
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, SGHA
- Dr Marinos Kyriakopoulos
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Associate Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Athanasia Makri
MSc in Clinical Psychology
Online registration is mandatory to secure your participation.
- This event is strictly available to adults and minors aged 16-17 years old. Underaged attendees will not be permitted access.
- The seminar is offered for educational purposes; clinical consultations with any of the invited healthcare professionals will not be provided on site.
- Only registered participants may attend the event. We will regrettably not be able to admit other non-registered visitors accompanying you.