It's official, ESSTS' first Virtual Meeting was successfully launched on 22 April 2021.
We called it a "teaser" Meeting, for it was only the beginning and we were thrilled to welcome attendees from all around Europe and North America!
We opted for a hybrid format that combined recently recorded interviews & presentations with live content. The new ESSTS Board had the opportunity to introduce themselves after the September 2020 elections, invited speakers Per Andrén from Sweden and Davide Martino from Canada (despite the cruel time difference and while relying on snowstorm-compromised signal!) joined us as well for a live Q & A session, moderated by Cara Verdellen and our Vice Chair Nanette Mol Debes.
A heartfelt thank you to James Leckman who attended our meeting and accepted our invitation to appear live ...impromptu and take questions.
Visit the meeting's page to find more about the programme & speakers and watch the recording!
Feel free to get in touch if you need fore information.
The Frontiers editorial office will be able to provide more information/answer any questions.
Discover the spectacular destination where we shall meet again next summer!

Invited speakers
- Le relazioni si terranno in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano
- Accreditamento ECM per medici, psicologi, infermieri
"A brilliant and empathetic comedy narrating the daily life of a boy with Tourette."
(See detailed programme below)
- Prof Andreas Hartmann, France
Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, FR - Dr Christelle Nilles, France
Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Rothschild Foundation Hospital, Paris, FR
- Michele Dunlap, Germany
President & Acting Treasurer - Marla Shea, UK/USA
- Christina Papakaliatis, Founder
-Healthcare professionals: a round table for discussion with the speakers will be held in the afternoon.
Online registration is mandatory to secure your participation.
- This event is strictly available to adults and minors aged 16-17 years old. Underaged attendees will not be permitted access.
- The seminar is offered for educational purposes; clinical consultations with any of the invited healthcare professionals will not be provided onsite.
- Only registered participants may attend the event. We will regrettably not be able to admit other non-registered visitors accompanying you.
- Tourette Greece
- Assessment (including differential diagnosis)
- Natural course and prognosis
- Epidemiology
- Causes & mechanisms
- Q&A
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Mood (anxiety & depression)
- Sleep
- Q&A
- Available treatments
- Clinical cases
- Comprehensive Q&A with the audience
- Tuesday, 25 March 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Jolande van de Griendt & Cara Verdellen
- Tuesday, 27 May 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Virginie Czernecki & Katrin Woitecki
- Tuesday, 30 September 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by Tara Murphy & Jolande van de Griendt
- Tuesday, 25 November 2025: 18:00-20:00 GMT. Led by: Cara Verdellen & Katrin Woitecki
Registration rate per online consultation (2 hours): €35.
(See detailed programme below)
- Dr Christos Androutsos
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Head Consultant at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, SGHA - Dr Anastasia Dougali
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, SGHA
- Dr Marinos Kyriakopoulos
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Associate Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Athanasia Makri
MSc in Clinical Psychology
Online registration is mandatory to secure your participation.
- This event is strictly available to adults and minors aged 16-17 years old. Underaged attendees will not be permitted access.
- The seminar is offered for educational purposes; clinical consultations with any of the invited healthcare professionals will not be provided on site.
- Only registered participants may attend the event. We will regrettably not be able to admit other non-registered visitors accompanying you.